Dating men for the past two-three years has taught me many of the hardships women face when dating a member of the male specimen. Or—scratch that. Growing up, many of my friends were girls, so I was always up date with their relationship drama.
In a couple words, I think I can say I empathize with you, ladies. And first of all, I'd like to apologize for having to deal with the mess that we men can be.
However, in the past couple of years, I've found a fair share of different men that have both tickled my pickle and popped my balloon. It's like a lottery game when it comes to dating. Sometimes you find somebody you think is ideal. Others, you find somebody who is a total, emotionally unavailable mess.
Not that I am calling myself an exception. Of course not. But, I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about them.
Men, men, men, men. What a complicated species if I'm being honest.
1. The "Hey" one
You know, I'm talking about those that randomly text you in the middle of the night to see if you're "up."
2. The Ken boy
I came up with this one after seeing the previous gif, but this is an accurate one.
It is part of gay culture to gym everyday because it is part of your personality now. They also dress good, or so they think. They're the type of gays that say they have no preferences at all when it comes to a partner, but the people they date look just like them.
3. The one with attachment issues
Dating in the gay world is difficult. With standards being so high, we often come to think we'll die alone. Sadly, some guys think that and they become attached to you after the first time you meet.
Story time: About a year and a half ago, I met this guy. He was cool and whatnot. We hung out, and one day, I had fallen asleep. The following morning I woke up to many messages from said boy, demanding why I wasn't answering, and how he had thought that there was something that could bloom between him and me.
In reality, I had been sleepy and had gone to bed early. I had not decided to ignore him. We weren't exactly "talking" at the time. And his long paragraphs explaining how what I did was horrible for anything "that could bloom between him and me” killed the “fire” that was between us two. We had known each other for a week by this time.
4. The emotionally unavailable one
There's always that guy that will lead you on and treat you like if you were in a relationship only to tell you, "I don't think I am ready for a relationship."
What the heck?????
5. Fuckboys
Even us gays can’t avoid the hurricane these specific type of men are. They are the vilest, the most evil.
Despite these encounters of mine were with gay men, men are still men, and honestly what is wrong with them?