In a generation where the infamous “booty call” has replaced the classic “dinner and a movie”, I hope you choose the latter.
The dating world we are growing up in is immensely different than the world Mom and Dad grew up in. Texting, Snapchat, and Instagram have largely replaced face to face interactions. Instead of having to call the house phone of your crush to ask if she would like to see the newest Star Wars movie with you this weekend, you can now just shoot her a text asking if she wants to “Netflix and chill”. To most, this may seem like a good thing because we are speeding up our ability to communicate with others; however, what most people do not realize is that these technological connections are slowly taking away from intimacy and excitement normally found in new romances that are the foundation for a healthy relationship. I hope that as you two grow up, and when you begin to date, you remember these 5 pieces of advice on how to have an unforgettable first date in a world of one night stands.
1. BE ON TIME!!!
This piece of advice will probably be the hardest for you guys to follow since you are always rushing out the door with me yelling at you to get in the car five minutes before school starts. But this is probably the most important… being on time is the best way to make a good first impression on your crush because it shows that you care about seeing her and are looking forward to going out with her.
2. Shake her father’s hand.
You guys know the drill; you have seen the importance of shaking a father's hand. You have watched boys who come to pick me up for a date shake Dad’s hand (they usually end up getting the stamp of approval), and you have seen what happens to those who don’t (Dad usually does not like them very much). Be the guy who her family can say is a gentlemen.
3. Tell her she looks beautiful.
In a world where women are whistled at and degraded, it is rare to be appreciated by a man. As a girl, I can vouch for the fact that it is so much more flattering to be called beautiful than something as superficial as “hot” or “sexy”. Be specific. Tell her what you find beautiful: her smile, her laugh, the way she throws a football… show you you appreciate more than just her exterior appearance.
4. Pay the bill.
I may buy you coffee on Friday's, but YOU should pay for dinner, or the movie tickets, or whatever expenses your date with your girl costs. I promise it will make her smile. And remember, if you find yourself short on cash, I am just a phone call away…5. Tell me everything :)
I do not care whether it is two in the morning or eleven at night, when you go on your first date, please make the time to call me after and tell me everything! I may be 100 miles away in college, but I still want to hear every little detail about your night with that cute girl from your chemistry class.
Seeing you guys grow up over the past 15 years, I have watched you turn into wonderful young men, and I know that you are well aware of the lack of intimacy in today’s world. But I also know that Mom and Dad have taught you well, and that you are fully capable of treating the girl you like with respect and chivalry. You aren’t the classic “players” who break girls hearts and ditch them after one night… you are the exception; the one who will change the way she thought dating was supposed to be.
Be a good man, not “The Man”.... I love you indefinitely.
Your proud, over protective, nagging sister.