Fall is a time for falling leaves, crisp air, and the best dates.
Yes, dates in summer, winter, and spring are fun too but, nothing competes with autumn outings. The outfits are easier to pick, staying in the house is actually a benefit, and Halloween makes things more interesting.
When it's too hot outside makeup runs, hair frazzles, and clothes stick. As for winter, the huge jacket or the heavy winter boots can ruin your whole outfit. Springtime, at least in the South, is when you never truly know what the weather will be bringing, giving you literally no time to plan.
This is why layering up with a cute sweater over your favorite shirt and your most comfortable pair of jeans/leggings is the way to go. Not only are you cute, but you're comfortable and prepared for the slight changes in weather.
Even if you don't want to go out and deal with the mild differing temperatures staying inside is always a plus. During spring and summer staying in seems boring, though it's not the same for fall.
After spending a day outside picking pumpkins or going on a hayride curling up with a horror movie, or a fun Halloween movie if you're not into spooky, always adds a cozy end to the date. Along with movies, making cookies and carving pumpkins are interactive ideas that really bring out the creativity and silliness between you and your partner.
Halloween is a favorite among many, and also a fun way to (pumpkin) spice up your relationship. Haunted houses spook you closer to your partner and add a bit of excitement to a cold, crisp night. Carving pumpkins are always a low-cost fun option as well, and you don't even need to leave your home. There are also many Midnight screenings of scary movies along with amusement parks and carnivals that are done up to frighten you if you're in for a little something extra.
Although I am not saying dating during any other time of the year is bad, it just isn't the same. The outfits are easier and the things that you get to experience together creates many fun, long-lasting memories. Fall is the easiest, most fun season to go out in.