Our Generation has allowed any type of real romance to slowly diminish. Relationships and dating went from a love that burns to a lust that burns out. In the 20s and 30s it was “calling upon a girl”... in the 50’s It was called “courting a girl” then it turned into dating now a days we call it "talking" which is ironic because this is the generation were we do less talking and more texting.
Nobody asks for someone else’s number anymore, they wait for their “crush” to post their Snapchat name on twitter or if they’re feeling a little adventurous they may just “slide into the DM”. Telling somebody they look nice has slowly turned into commenting a fire emoji or heart eye emoji on the latest Instagram selfie. A like on Instagram or a swipe right on Tinder is now more common then a compliment face to face. When did “I’ll pick you up at six.” walking to the front door so you could walk your date to the car Turn into arriving at 6:30 pulled up by the end of the driveway with an “I’m here” text? An excessive amount of emoticons, favorites on a tweet, and a Snapchat streak have all been accepted as ways of flirting. Going on a date is no longer dinner and a movie, or a walk on the beach, or even mini golf… everything is about “Netflix and Chill” or waiting until the next party to talk.
It seems like nobody actually puts in the effort to date anymore, there are no dates or phone calls. People are only “talking” or “have a thing with someone” and when asked to explain the difference nobody can explain. Everybody wants to be seen as mature and adult, but what about this way of “relationships” is either of those things? Dating used to be something that was clear, you were supposed to actually take the time to pursue someone but now we have to decipher text messages and use of emoji. When in all actuality if we all made our intentions clear and genuinely pursued someone, none of this would happen.
Nobody seems to want commitment, but nobody wants to be alone either. When did people stop dating? When did falling for someone become too much of a hassle for most people to pursue? People now a days are so scared of face to face counteraction that everything is done behind screens, that way things can become “less awkward” If you like somebody, ask them on a date. And by no means do I mean ask every single person you find attractive on a date, but somebody you’ve had your eye on for awhile. Allow romance, allow yourselves to be spontaneous. You never know… that person you actually decided to talk to instead of just liking every single one of their Instagram pictures in an attempt to get them to talk to you can actually be the person that changes your whole outlook on romance…
We don’t have to live in a society where Lust is more common then Love.
Dating doesn’t have to be dead.