The vast amount of majors at college and university include engineering, business, tech, even nursing. For some, like myself, history majors are few.
I chose to be one because I've always had a huge interest in history, so why not try and make a career out of it? You may be thinking, "All they do is study dates and figures, nothing else," but in reality, we're understanding the past, living in the present, and comprehending the future. We're also probably the most considerate of your emotions and feelings, so give us a chance, folks.
Here are 17 reasons why it will be benefitting to you to date a history major.
1. When you ask what the date is and they tell you...before giving us a "this day in history" fact
If you ask what the date is, and it's June 6th, be careful of being warped into a whole D-Day fact from your S.O. It's an important day, but obviously you didn't ask for a history lesson haha!
2. "Come over"; "Can't, writing a paper about the Renaissance"
It's pretty self-explanatory.
3. Seeing the countless biographical books and DVDs in their room
If they have "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, they're a keeper. Wife/husband them immediately.
4. Reading dozens of emails from
5...then reading "this day in history" instead of their texts
6. When you're walking and they spot a historical place (instead of somewhere to eat)
"Oh look, there's a nice bistro over there." "Yeah, hold on, babe, look at that Civil War statue of Stonewall Jackson."
7. When you see them quoting historical people for their Instagram captions
8. Posting historical photos on their Instagram (instead of posting one of you two at a formal)
You try to laugh, but you really don't get this meme about Teddy Roosevelt
10. They have a calendar of either WWII or Vietnam in their room
I have one featuring the Civil War, so just trust me on this one.
11. "Good thing I have papers and not tests," they say as you cram six months of Algebra in your brain for a final
12. "Dropping" them off at class and there's only six other students in the classroom
It's like high school detention in there with that class size!
13. When they're excited to see something at the Smithsonian
14. Watching historical documentaries on Netflix instead of an actual movie
"Babe, Infinity War." "Yeah, that's great, but like check out this documentary on the Battle of Britain."
16. Having one final (but turns out to be a take home paper)
Those lucky bastards.
17. Writing their thesis at the bar on your anniversary...and you're not even mad because you know they love what they study
If that's not true love, I don't know what is.
So there you have it, folks, some signs on your S.O. who is a history major! Happy loving!