You just fell for the guy you only ever thought of like that friend who will remain single forever. Disaster. Self-destruct button? NOPE.
You think you can get over it, and even if you don't, you're way out of his league anyway so he'd appreciate the fact that you like him… maybe? What do you do in this situation?
1. Don't fall too hard
The worst thing that can happen when you're in a relationship with a boy who's never dated is you liking him more than he does you. This is when his ego is inflated with every incident you shower him with your feelings, and finally one day, it bursts and the debris is not just on you, but it is you.
2. Don't advertise your relationship, marketing only feeds more
The more you tell people, the more legit it becomes, and the more real it feels, the more it hurts when it ends, which it eventually will either because he runs away because of reality of the situation or because he thinks he can do better than you. Not true, but it happens.
3. Never trust him with too much until you're extremely comfortable
Usually, a new boyfriend is often only a best friend that you can kiss. But when the guy is completely inexperienced, you're a girl he can kiss and maybe text once or twice a day. Not the way you think about him. So when things get deep with you both in the first two or so weeks itself, it gives him the idea that all you want to do is talk and expect advice from him, which scares him away because he's not (yet) in it to always talk about your problems and what you ate that day.
4. NEVER say you love him, even as a joke
The word "love" apparently scares boys away here. Back home, the guys in high school LIVED to hear us say that we love them, be it a week into the relationship even. When you're dating a guy who has never had a girlfriend, and you tell him you love him, he thinks of it as a long-lasting relationship and starts thinking along the lines of never dating any other girl. Which is a weird thought process but I'm sure it happens. Even if he says it, don't say it just for the sake of it. He may be confused.
5. Even if it's been going on for more than a month, do NOT say "parents" in any context
It's too serious for a boy who's not dated before, and the stress upon them is understandable. They're either worried about impressing your parents or worried about your mental status if you bring up the topic three weeks into the relationship.
Have fun dating though! I'm not trying to scare you or anything, just saying.