Women [wim-in]; noun; Plural for woman.
1. a sector of the human species which may, at times, demonstrate tendencies to act, as men say, "crazy", when it comes to love
Here to illustrate this branch of the female population, known as the "crazy women", for us is Gloria, the crazy beautiful "Modern Family" star.
1. How she reacts when she finds out her best friend is being cheated on.
Be careful around her when she's holding sharp objects.
2. What she wants to do to him.
Consider yourself lucky if that's all she does.
3. When she meant to send a screenshot of her conversation with her bae to her BFF, but accidentally sent it back to her bae.
Honestly, we've all probably had a similar experience, so we feel you girl.
4. When she finally proves she was right about an argument she had 3 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, 37 minutes and 3 seconds ago.
She never forgets, and her investigative skills are spot on. You might as well just accept that you'll always be wrong with her.
5. When she gets a text from her ex.
He might be almost as crazy as she is, and trust me, that is not a good combo, friends.
6. When her BFF reconsiders taking her ex back...again.
There was a reason you guys broke up in the first place. Resist the temptation! Thank God for the Glorias of the world for keeping us looking to the future!
7. When he says he wants to have a "guy's night".
He thought once they were together he would still have bro time. That's adorable.
8. When her bae asks her a question.
I mean, duh!!!
9. When her boyfriend asks why she is always yelling at him.
Hey, that's a fair warning if I've ever seen one! Honestly, you know she's worth it.
10. When she sees on his social media that her boyfriend, who doesn't actually know they are in a relationship or even that she exists, is out with other girls.
It's okay hun, he's just comparing you to other women and wondering how he got lucky enough to have you.
11. When he says he thinks maybe they should break up.
He thought he could escape that easily?!
12. When someone threatens her man.
You can never say she's not devoted.
13. When you ask her how her first date went.
Hey, maybe they will! You never know...
14. When she and her BFF are crushing on the same guy.
No matter how into him she may be, her allegiance is always clear. Unless he's like really, stupidly, good looking...
15. When she starts a fight because she's hangry.
Get this woman some pizza!!!
So, sure, she might be a little crazy, but you've learned to love her anyways, right?!