Horse girls get a reputation for being horse-crazy all the time, and I think that is why guys are a little intimidated by them when it comes to the dating scene. I am here to give you a little information if you are crushing on a horsey girl just so you know what you are getting into. So let's get into it! But don't be scared from dating a horse girl after reading this, we're not crazy about horses all the time.
First things first, you need to know what you are getting yourself into.
1. We are passionate about what we do.
Please don't think we do this just because we love horses. We love the thrill it brings us when we are cantering down a trail or on a beach. It's like you when it comes to biking or back packing.
2. Try to sound interested in what we do; we'd love to tell you all about our sport.
Yeah, we may have a lot of terminology that you might not know, but we will explain it to the T. But please, if we put an effort to do things you like to do, we would LOVE it if you came to the barn with us a few times.
3. We are individuals who believe in commitment.
We commit a lot of our time to our sport, so you will not have to worry about us not being committed to you and the relationship. We are not looking for someone who is wanting to fool around or anything, so you better know what you want before asking us out on a date.
4. You'll have to understand that we might be gone at the barn for hours.
We will peace out at 8:30 a.m. and be back around 1 p.m. So have fun while we are gone! We will make time for you, we promise that, but just know we will choose the barn a few times a week. But be prepared to be the barn boyfriend on days when we have shows cause we will need a sane person to lean on.
SEE ALSO: A Girlfriend's Horse Show, As Told By The Boyfriend
5. We don't like to waste our time.
We'd rather be working a horse at the barn than sitting around at home with you thinking of what you want to do that day. Have a plan, boys.
6. We will tell you cool facts about history in relation to our sport.
Did you know that Persians were the first to wear high heels because the heel stopped their foot from going through their stirrup? History and horses combined, how cool are we?!
7. We don't really like lavish/expensive gifts or dates.
Take us on a picnic or on a hike or get us movies or a little piece of jewelry. It's the thought we like, not the price tag.
SEE ALSO: 10 Reasons Why Horseback Riding Is DEFINITELY A Sport
So there are my tips, boys. Just some things to keep in mind when you talk to that girl with the Equestrian gear on. But don't worry, we're not crazy horse girls all the time; maybe when we're with our fellow horse girls. But hey, we can party outside of the barn. Giddyup!!!
P.S. You know we horse girls are bad-ass because we ride a 1000 lb animal with a mind of its own.