I believe that everyone carries around some sort of advice with them. Whether it be from their own experience or someone else's, people generally have what they think is knowledge on certain situations in life. As a student, my job description is to gain knowledge, and I decided I wanted a larger pool than my family and friends for this endeavor.
So, I took to Tinder to ask college boys for the best advice they've ever heard. Try at your own risk. Results may vary.
1. "Learn how to skin a deer"
Basically, manliness on a plate, but not too practical. Next.
2. "Live to be an idea for others to strive towards, and in time they will join you in the sun"
Idolization is a dangerous road, so I don't think this one is gonna work out.
3. "F*ck her right in the p*ssy"
Straight to the point, for sure. Topical? Not really. Plus, unfortunately, I don't think I have the time or the desire to go through with this one. Next.
4. "Take no advice"
Criticism is important! I'm gonna have to keep moving.
5. "Never give up, never quit, always keep trying"
A strong intention, but weak execution. Quit things if you don't like them, please. Next.
6. "Cherish what you have because you never know what will happen"
This one is actually good advice! Maybe there's hope for me! For Tinder! For humanity!
7. "I have no clue"
Oh well, good while it lasted.
8. "If you remember how the party was, you didn't drink enough"
As we all know, binge drinking is the key to success.
9. "Get busy living or get busy dying"
Either one or the other folks, pick your poison.
10. "Bro, don’t drink that"
Here, we end with some more good advice. Know your limits.
To conclude, maybe get your advice from your family or celebrities you admire. College-aged boys only continue proving to me that I should delete this app.