Dating can be a very scary thing for some but for others like NCIS' very Special Agent Tony DiNozzo, it comes very easy. As Mr. DiNozzo gets ready to retire as a special agent, he leaves with some dating advice that even can help college students. Tony DiNozzo has gained this sound advice over the span of 13 years.
Dating is like a hostage negotiation
Agent DiNozzo approaches dating like his NCIS team handles hostage negotiations: "Keep them stalled, keep them calm, and keep them talking."
Keep the flirt game strong while in a long-distance relationship.
For those who study-abroad and leave behind boyfriends and girlfriends, consider DiNozzo's sincere advice. "Work-flirting helps keep your tools sharp."
Don't let your dad cook for your girlfriend
While DiNozzo was working, Sr. decided to cook a nice meal for his introductory meeting with Jr.'s girlfriend. As Jr. was opening the door, Sr. almost burned down the kitchen. Always make your own reservations to prevent fire disasters from occurring.
Background check your dates
As Agent DiNozzo was preparing to send his best friend Abby away on a date, he made sure she knew what she was getting into. He discovered her boyfriend served in the Peace Corps and was arrested for protesting a zoo.
Dating is supposed to be fun
When you're with your special someone, let loose. Don't hold back, enjoy those special moments.The gun range is a great location for a date
Remember, it's not about the caliber of your weapon, but your ability to hit the target.Don't video chat while nude
Stay calm, a first fight is a good thing
Don't phone it in on Halloween
Have good pick up lines at all times.
Inter-agency gossip is real
Keep your relationship a secret for as long as you can
DiNozzo attempted to keep his relationship a secret from the rest of his co-workers, in an attempt to avoid becoming the latest office gossip. It worked until everyone found out and had to buy everyone drinks.