It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of day to day activities.
There are always to do lists to be checked, laundry to be done, and someone who wants some of your time. That's just life. And when you do have some down time, chances are you're going to want to spend it with your romantic partner, a friend, or family. But take a second to ask yourself, when was the last time you took yourself on a date? I know, that sounds really weird, but when you think about it all of the relationships you have in your life are because you as an individual rock. The things you find interesting, compelling, or fun make you who you are. How often are you feeding those interests? How often are you loving yourself?
Now I'm not saying to cancel all of your date nights, girl nights, and outings with friends. However, there should be an equal balance in your life of nights out with your loved ones and yourself. This can look different for everyone but here are some ideas for dating yourself and recharging those energies so you as individual don't get lost in the shuffle of day to day living.
1. Figure out what you like
Before we form a relationship with other people, we like to get know them. What are they interested in doing, what constitutes a fun time for them, what's their favorite book, etc. When we answer those questions about ourselves, it is so easy to give generic answers like "Hiking, reading, netflix binging, etc". But there's so much more to you than that! Every freckle, wrinkle, chromosome, is unique to you. Why not take some time to figure out what it is you're interested in, no matter how silly it may be. Who knows, maybe you're an incredible runner or knitter. You won't know unless you try.
2. Dress to impress
I can't tell you how many times I've gotten dressed up and been asked "Who are you getting all dressed up for?" Me! I'm dressing up for me! I'm impressing and reminding myself that I am beautiful and deserve to be treated as such. I know we all have pjs and messy hair kind of days, but do not underestimate the power of dressing your best and feeling your best. You deserve it!
3. Feed your hunger
Maybe there's a little cafe you've been dying to try or a fancy restaurant you would never go to normally. Do it. I know it can seem intimidating at first, but what better feeling than getting to try foods and drinks you like! When you're with others their opinions are always taken into consideration, but in this case it's all about you! Order that 14$ glass of wine and fancy cheese platter. Your tummy will thank you!
4. One ticket please
Whether it's a movie, a concert, or a museum trip, pick an activity and go. Not everyone is going to want to see the movies we want to see or the bands we want to hear. But you do! So honor that. It shouldn't be considered unusual to do these things alone. You're enjoying yourself and that's what matters.
5. Treat yourself!
You work hard! You pay the bills! You make your own doctors appointments! You deserve a reward just as much as the next guy. Why not splurge a bit and get yourself that dress you've been eyeing, or taking an hour to get a professional massage. There is nothing wrong with loving on you and enjoying the fruits of your labors.
6. Be productive
What better way to love yourself and date yourself than honoring your goals and dreams by being productive. Whether it's going online and searching for classes that correlate with your career goals, applying to a few jobs, or reading a book on something that interests you, your dreams are valid and important. If it were your significant other searching online for you, you'd think it's sweet. So do the same for yourself!
7. Be kind to you
It is so easy to look in the mirror and spot those insecurities that eat at you throughout the day. Why not flip the switch on that one, and offer yourself some compliments. Write on your mirror in dry erase some motivational words or even things you love about yourself. You would never look at your loved one and say they need to lose a few pounds or their smile is hideous. So why say that to you?
Self love is not easy. If you've fallen into the habit of not taking care of you, this may be easier said than done. But I challenge you to pick a few of the things I mentioned above and really take the time to date or love yourself. You are more than worthy.