This girl isn't like any other girl you've ever met. She's different and you will notice that from the moment she catches your eye. The way she smiles and how it takes her entire face. The way she laughs and how it shines some light on your day regardless of what it is you're going through. The way she looks at you and how her eyes speak a thousand words. The way she makes you feel special by having a simple conversation and how she makes you feel as if she knows the depths of your soul.
A girl with a big heart knows that this world is a scary but beautiful place. She has had her breakdowns and breakthroughs. She is living and learning, from the good and the bad. She chooses to see the best in others and not compare because no two people are the same. She knows that no one is perfect.
She always has a smile on her face. She has chosen to be positive in a world full of negativity. She is a blessing to all those in her life. She sees those people as blessings.
She has had her heart broken, once, twice, maybe even three times but that doesn't stop her. She believes in love.
A girl with a big heart will change how you see yourself.
And all of that is because she sees the real you and believes in you.
She will make you believe in love again.
When you love a girl with a big heart know that the past is the past. She lives in the now. None of that matters. All that matters is that she is yours, with arms wide open, wanting to love you like no one else has. She will make you forget all the pain you've been in. She will make you feel safe.
She will be your #1 fan.
A girl with a big heart will accept you for who you are.
She will be there for you when life knocks you down.
A girl with a big heart make you feel things you've never felt before and make you wonder where she's been all your life. She will never stop loving you even when times get tough because that's just who she is.
She knows that she's not perfect. She will be the best she can be for you. She loves deeply. She feels everything deeply. She will make you proud to call her yours.
Get yourself a girl with a big heart and don't let her go. Your life will never be the same.