Anne Perkins from Parks and Recreation dated herself after a bad breakup and I think we all should too.
Go to the store, buy yourself a box of chocolates and stop whining about being single. This time in your life is valuable and it shouldn’t be wasted waiting for someone who isn’t there. I promise you that the person your supposed to be with will come into your life when they’re supposed to, not necessarily when you want them to.
Right now is the perfect time to figure out want you want, who you are and where you want to be. Figuring yourself out is so much easier when no one is there to influence your decisions. This doesn’t mean you’ll find all the answers but you’ll get closer to the ones you’re looking for.
Take the time to get to know yourself and find what makes you happy. You’ll find yourself feeling more confident because you are doing what's best for you and relying on yourself to reach your goals.
Most people in their 20’s are figuring out what to do with the rest of their life. You shouldn’t be spending this time getting to know what your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to do with theirs because your goals are important and so are you.
Love your friends! Right now, you are building relationships with the people who will stand by your side through the bad times, the funny times and one day at your wedding. So make memories with them, invest in them, and let them know you care.
Lastly, don't be too hard on yourself. You 20's are also the years you'll mess up a lot. Remember that your past isn't your future and you've still got so many things ahead.