Date the guy that makes you laugh and makes you happy. Date the guy that’s your best friend. Do it. Just do it. Date the guy that cooks dinner with you but chases you around the house because you put flour on his cheek (yes, it really happens). Date the guy that gives you piggy back rides because you really don’t wanna go up the stairs.
Date the guy that hugs you randomly because he can tell you have had a bad day. Date the guy that goes to the Hands On Museum. Date that guy that goes on road trips with you on a Sunday because you're bored. Date that guy that with send you funny pictures because you're sad. Date that guy that But most of all, date that guy that makes your day better and the one that makes you incredibly happy.
I was scared to date that guy but lucky me, he didn’t give up and two and a half years later he still makes me happy to this day. He does all of those things and so much more.
He has become my best friend and I love being with him. So yes, dating that guy is the one the best choices I've done. (Thanks, Mom)