You’ve met that special girl or guy and want to go on a special date. Have no fear, Chicago is near! Whether you have been together for a while or just met, Chicago has a variety of activities to offer, varying from inexpensive fun to high-end enjoyment. Hop on the Metra and go explore the city to try some of these fun activities.
1. Uno’s Pizzeria
This is the original Chicago style pizza. Despite the half hour wait in a small brick room, the pizza is worth it. Don’t disgrace your taste buds by wimping out on Giordano’s. Eat the real thing. If Uno’s is packed, there’s always Due — essentially the same restaurant from the owner a block away.
2. Art Institute of Chicago
Wheaton students get to go there for free! Go with your date and look at art and impress him or her by using big words like “juxtapose” and “post-modern influence” and pretending you know what you’re talking about!
3. Horse Carriage Ride
Cozy up in a carriage and pretend you’re in a Disney movie!
4. Ice Skating at Millennium Park
Ice skate outside with your special someone and make a fool of yourself!
5. Ice Skating at the Hancock Building
The John Hancock building has the highest ice skating rink in the world! Impressive, eh?
6. Second City
Second City produces most of America’s comedians from Tina Fey to Bill Murray. Have a fun time at the show and who knows — maybe you’ll see the next SNL legend or Steve Carell!
7. Intelligentsia Coffee
You a coffee lover? Although expensive, Intelligentsia far outweighs Starbucks in coffee quality.
8. Watch a Broadway show at the Cadillac Palace Theater or the Ford Oriental Theater.
Come enjoy a top of the line performance of your favorite Broadway shows!
9. Go see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Students go for $15!
Have your mind blown by a world class performance by the CSO and see them while your student discount lasts!
10. Visit Navy Pier.
Navy Pier has an annual “Winter Wonderfest” event. Go ice skate, eat food, and enjoy some live entertainment!
11. Be enchanted by the Lincoln Park Zoo Lights Festival.
Witness the park taking Christmas decorating to another level. See beautiful ice carvings, an amazing light show, and enjoy your happy wallet, because it’s free!