Have no idea what do to with your boy/girl friend? How about these cute, and enjoyable ideas!
1. Go Christmas Shopping
Sometimes all we need to do is shop. Shop till you guys drop! It's a great way to know what the other one likes, and you can give each other ideas while you shop for others!
2. Go Out To Eat At A Nice Restaurant
Go out and eat. It's a great treat for those who don't get to go out often.
3. Go Take A Picture With Santa
Go take a picture with Santa together! Cause, why not?
4. Build-A-Bear
Take your girl, or her little siblings to Build-A-Bear. Won't regret seeing their happy faces.
5. Ice Skating
What a perfect way to break the ice! Right? Even if you don't know how to skate, it's fun, and it gets easier with practice.