Once you date a good guy, you never go back. Why would you?
Just about every girl has a similar story – until you dated a good guy, you dated boys that didn’t respect you. Boys that didn’t treat you the way you deserved, whether you realized it or not. You thought to yourself, “chivalry is dead.” But someday soon after, you realized you were wrong.
You started to date a good man. And that man makes you feel whole again. Thank the heavens for the good men in this world, the men that treat women not like objects, but like the women they are – mothers, daughters, sisters and friends.
Once you date a good guy, you don’t worry about feeling insecure. Dating a good man will make you feel cherished, whether you are truly in love or not. A good man will respect you and treat you the way he himself would want his own daughter to be treated. I would never go back to a man that treated me less than my own boyfriend does now. Dating a good guy makes you feel as though you are enough.
Once you date a good guy, you never even consider the boy that made you feel less than you are. You never consider the boy that left you on read when all you asked was for affirmation. You never consider the boy that made you cry. You never consider the boy that lied to you, time and time again. You never consider it, because you know there is better out there.
Chivalrous men will always thrive. And if you have yet to find a good guy, let me assure you a good man is out there, and you should never, ever settle for anyone who makes you feel any less than you are.