As a boyfriend, Valentines Day was my favorite holiday of the year. You get to go all out and show your girl how much you love her more than usual. You get to dedicate an entire day to the relationship and celebrate your love by exchanging gifts or going on an exciting date. As a guy, this can all be kind of overwhelming since we are usually expected to orchestrate the whole thing. I have created a list of five gift ideas (which are relatively cheap I might add) and five date ideas to help you crush it this Valentines Day.
Gift Ideas
Open When Letters
These are perfect for long distance relationships and for any other couple because they are a gift that can last all year. Pre-written daily notes can also be great. She will be reminded of how much you care about her on a daily basis and it is also very cost effective. Nothing says, “I love you” more than a thoughtful letter or note she can open when she needs it most.
VS apparel
If your SO loves Victoria's Secret stuff this could be your go-to. If you know her size, go ahead and hit the bra and panties section. Even if its not her style, I think she could appreciate the fact that you were thinking what she would look like in the ones you bought. While expensive, other clothing items from VS could make her smile as long as you know her style well enough to pick something out.
Jewelry doesn’t have to be expensive. If you go the expensive route, while I’m sure it will be gorgeous, she may not want to wear it everyday. You can get some quality jewelry online for a decent price online. Again, it helps to know what she wants specifically or her style.
Concert or Sporting Event Tickets
Festival season is upon us and if you’re willing to spend some coin, you can go to some pretty great festivals. Coachella and The Governors Ball have some really good lineups planned this year. If you want to save some money but still listen to some good music, Spicoli’s in Cedar Falls and Wooly’s in Des Moines both have great concerts for a good price. If she has a favorite sports team, you could get a couple tickets to a game. Iowa has a variety of minor league teams who usually put on a good show if you are just looking for a game to go to as a couple.
Something She Doesn’t Know She Wants
This one is really risky but can really surprise her. If you listen when she is excited about something or a class she loves, you can find something that relates to that. As an example, my ex girlfriend loved marine life and always talked about how she wanted to go to Bioluminescent Bay for her honeymoon, so I got her bio-luminescent algae for valentines day one year. Of course she loved it but it really wasn’t that hard to do because I listened to her. So guys, if you really want to knock her socks off, listen to her. Like, really listen.
Date Ideas
Ice Skating
If you can both stay on your feet ice-skating this could be a really great idea. While it will probably be really busy at your local rink, I recommend finding an outdoor rink to go to. Follow it up with sitting around a fireplace with hot chocolate and you’ve got yourself a pretty great night.
Restaurant Ideas
Depending on the type of food bae likes, picking a nice place for dinner can be difficult. For a more luxurious dinner, Splash seafood in Des Moines is a great choice. They fly in fresh fish daily and have a great wine selection as well. Other places like Centro, Django, and Wasabi Tao have a more upscale feel and tend to have a more intimate setting than other chain restaurants.
Netflix, Papa Johns, and Chill
If its not your first valentines day as a couple, you may feel the need just to hang out and not even go anywhere. Sometimes all that matters is the company you keep and as long as you’re together it’s perfect. To make it even better, Papa Johns offers a heart shaped pizza on Valentines Day. So curl up together, turn on your favorite show together (if you don’t have one start one), and pig out on some great pizza.
Greatest Game Ever Played
The Iowa Wild have a game this Valentines Day so, grab your SO and go watch some great hockey this year. The first 7,500 fans will receive an Iowa Wild pink item and there will be a live auction at the end of the game benefiting Komen of Iowa (they help fund breast cancer resources).
Turn Valentines Day Upside Down
The Des Moines Social Club will be hosting an event for couples that want to compete in Cards Against Humanity. There will be a buffet, live music, a photo booth, and bubbly. So if you’re looking to mix up Valentines Day a little bit, grab your date and head to the Des Moines Social Club! The price is 25$ a person and the event starts at 7:00pm in the Kum and Go theatre.
I hope this article has helped you figure out the perfect Valentines Day. Remember, all it really takes is effort.