'Daredevil' Is Canceled By Netflix | The Odyssey Online
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'Daredevil' Is Canceled By Netflix

Netflix can never be forgiven.

'Daredevil' Is Canceled By Netflix

Late Thursday night on November 29th, I was walking back to my dorm after a study session. I opened up Twitter, seeing what I missed in the last two hours. Suddenly my heart dropped. "Marvel's Daredevil" canceled! If you are a fan of my content (I'm sure there's someone somewhere) then you know that I am recently posted an article praising the success of season three of "Marvel's Daredevil". Even if you aren't a fan of superheroes, "Marvel's Daredevil" was an excellently produced Netflix series that had excellent cinematography and stellar acting from Charlie Cox (Matt Murdock) and Vincent D'Onofrio (Wilson Fisk). The show was praised by critics and brought back viewers season after season. So, what made Netflix pull the plug?

Not much is known right now and may never be. Netflix as a company is very secretive with their viewership analytics on top of their overall operations. Netflix themselves said the following:

"We are tremendously proud of the show's last and final season and although it's painful for the fans, we feel it best to close this chapter on a high note. We're thankful to showrunner Erik Oleson, the show's writers, stellar crew and an incredible cast including Charlie Cox as Daredevil himself, and we're grateful to the fans who have supported the show over the years. While the series on Netflix has ended, the three existing seasons will remain on the service for years to come, while the Daredevil character will live on in future projects for Marvel."

In 2013, Netflix worked out a deal with Marvel to produce high-quality tv shows based on different Marvel properties. This included the characters Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. Each character was given their own individual show with their own target audiences. In 2017, the characters would cross over for a limited series titled: "Marvel's The Defenders." However, in October of 2018, Netflix announced the cancellation of "Iron Fist". While season one was not received well with viewers, season two was seen as an improvement. The cancellation of "Marvel's Iron Fist" did not surprise a lot of viewers, but when Netflix canceled "Marvel's Luke Cage" started to raise some eyebrows. "Marvel's Luke Cage" was in a somewhat similar situation. Season one was highly praised while season two was seen as a tad bit lackluster. For the next month, fans of "Marvel's Daredevil" would quiver and pray for the seasonal renewal.

Throughout all of its three seasons, "Marvel's Daredevil" has been universally praised for its amazing story, cinematography and likable characters. The series follows the Lawyer of Matt Murdock. At a young age, he was blinded in an accident that also enhanced his senses to superhuman levels. Now he patrols the streets of Hell's Kitchen as the vigilante known as Daredevil. A lawyer by day, crime-fighter by night. Season three released in October and was loved by many. Season three obtained a ninety-four percent on Rotten Tomatoes and everything seemed to be gearing to a season four. To be honest, the ending did wrap up pretty well, but the show did leave with a stinger at the end.

The cancellation of "Marvel's Daredevil" is out of left field. So much so that the entire team was surprised at the cancelation of the show. Sam Ernst, one of the team members of the show said in a series of tweets the following:

Superbromovies.com reported that "Marvel's Daredevil" fell fifty-seven percent after the first-week premiere of season three. Netflix does not give exact numbers with any of their shows which I personally see as annoying. Netflix 2018 is just as popular as television today and should apply to some of the same standards as television in some aspects, like viewership counts. One reason that could possibly have been the cause of the lack in viewership is Netflix not promoting the show as much as they should've. When season three released, I binged the entire show in one weekend. The following weekend, I wanted to rewatch the show. However, I found myself and others having to scroll down a few rows on Netflix to rewatch the most recent season of Daredevil. Even though I pinned the series on my list.

When the news first broke about the cancellation, I was very annoyed at Netflix and I still am. Rumors have been floating around of the series being adapted to the new Disney streaming service, "Disney+" however the dark and gritty TV-MA Daredevil might not fit with the kid-friendly mouse. Which raises a different question on the state of mature content in the future. But that is a discussion for another time. From a story perspective, I can see how the story could end where it did. But, I cannot feel the series should have lived. The hallway fights alone were incredibly shot, and the actors just loved playing their characters.

Now we just wait for the cancellation of "Marvel's Jessica Jones" and "Marvel's Punisher" once their new seasons release in 2019. Until then, my Netflix just got a little more boring.

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