1. I will death glare one less customer every shift.
I promise you I’m not the only retail worker who does this, but I will attempt to provide “service with a smile” (and mean it) this coming year. After all, the man who just destroyed my neatly folded pile of jeans to purchase them is the reason I have a job in the first place.
2. I will go to the gym.
And by this I mean I will CONSISTENTLY go to the gym. Climbing on to my stool to get in to bed and taking the stairs to class will not count, nor will going to the gym once every two weeks. It’s time to get a schedule in place before the freshman fifteen strikes hard.
3. I will eat healthier.
The three C’s are delicious: chips, chocolate and cookies. But they are also rapidly contributing to the freshman fifteen mentioned earlier. Munching on junk will be allowed here and there, but replacements of fruit, granola and other healthy snacks will be preferred.
4. I will manage my time better.
I am a procrastinator. I always have been and perhaps always will be. I always get my work done, but it will get done at the ungodly hours of the night the day before it is due. Perhaps sleep during those hours would be better instead. Netflix can wait until the assignment is done.
5. I will save my money.
Late night food trips, shopping online and impulse buys need to be cut back this year. I will refrain from listening to the little devil on my shoulder that persuades me in to buying another hat with a lame pun written on it.
6. I will have a little “me time” every day.
It is so important to take time out of your day to participate in something you genuinely enjoy. Work, school and stress of life can take its toll on everyone, and a release of such stress is necessary. Pick your poison: exercise, read, watch television, knit, scrapbook, I don’t judge.
7. I will spend less time on my phone.
Technology and social media are great in modern society, but it often consumes the lives of individuals, especially millennials like me. I will spend less time on my phone every day to enjoy more of life happening currently around me.