Dansville is an agricultural (farming) community. We pride ourselves on the history and farms that have built this little village. Dansville consists of a mom and pop grocery store, gas station, library, bar and post office.
Each graduating class consists of, on average, 60 students. Our community may be small, but we make an impression. There are hundreds of things that make Dansville incomparable, but a few stand out the most.
Tractors, Fields and Farms, Oh My!
I can almost guarantee you there are more cows than there are people. Dansville has several family-owned farms, and they are some of the best in Michigan. Don't be surprised if you see a tractor or two when venturing down our country roads. Oh and that smell? That's called manure.
We're 20 Minutes Away From "Civilization"
"Going into town" (Mason, Williamston or Okemos) is a really big deal. Before you head into town, you ask your family if they need anything, and you most likely end up having a list of things to grab. Groceries, fast-food, and clothing are not just around the corner.
We're All A Big Family....Literally?
Teens, you may want to ask your parents for a family tree diagram before you start to date. Chances are, you're first cousins with a few classmates!
"Opening Day" Might As Well Be A Holiday
'Opening day' is the first day in which gun season begins. Vegetarianism? What does that even mean? On this day, you will see an abundance of camouflage (more than the usual amount). This is the day in which men of all ages look forward to all year.
Word Gets Around — Fast
Don't even THINK about trying to fool your parents. They already know what happened before you even got home. Oh and secrets? What are secrets?
We're Not Afraid Of Hard Work
Whether it's cleaning out stalls, chopping wood, milking cows, or fixing cars, my hometown dwellers know what hard work looks like. It doesn't matter whether you're a boy or girl, you're out there helping your family.
Memorial Day Is Our Thing
We take Memorial Day quite seriously here in Dansville. This day symbolizes the end of school for graduating seniors, warm weather, and getting to see family, friends, and former graduates.
We drink, eat amazing food, and line the "main" street as our locally-famous parade stomps through. Organizational floats, farm equipment, classic cars, and honoring our Veterans are just a few things located on the parade line-up.
We Support One Another
In times of turmoil, our community is present. Whether it's our local bar burning down, or more notably, the loss of a life, we are all here for one another. We may be a small community, but we offer a lot of love.
My town is not flashy or modernized. It doesn't offer a lot materially, but it offers a lot intrinsically. Although I may not live in Dansville anymore, it will always hold a place in my heart. I'm proud of my roots and from where I came from.