Dank memes.
When I go on Google and search the word meme, the definition it gives me is this:
Meme: a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc. that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.
And when I search dank, I ignore the definition that says the word means damp on Google, and go straight to urban dictionary, which ends up giving me this:
Dank: also an expression frequently used by stoners and hippies for something of high quality.
So from that, it would stem that a dank meme, would be a high-quality humorous Internet phenomenon, which is spread by users of the Internet and usually goes around the Internet pretty fast, sometimes becoming viral. Why on Earth am I bringing it up in the context of politics? (I assume you read the title.)
Well, I can't wait to see all the older individuals look at me with surprise when I say this statement: dank memes have directly influenced this year's elections.
Wait, what?
You heard me. I am saying that this year's election has been directly influenced by viral Internet images and phenomena.
Bernie Sanders is such a phenomenon.
Donald Trump is such a phenomenon.
I mean just look at the Facebook page, Bernie Sanders' Dank Meme Stash.
The page has many followers, just a bit over 440,000. That is 440,000 people consistently posting images about Bernie Sanders on the Internet and sharing them on the web with their contacts and friends, a lot of which will then share that image, and etc.
I will proceed to post the two types of memes I generally see on my news feed on social media.
The first one would be a pro-Bernie meme.
The first meme is obviously what Bernie supporters view themselves as. Bernie's phalanx, which is fighting against the idea that America is an oligarchy, and Bernie is their leader, who is in the middle taking the worst attack from the oligarchy. This image has two effects:
1) It unites Bernie supporters, by promoting the idea that they are all part of a bigger movement.
2) The meme also shows people what Bernie stands for in a few words.
This meme by itself makes people laugh, because one would not picture Senator Sanders as a phalanx leader. However, it is more symbolic if anything. Memes by themselves create a movement by showing short pieces information to public in an often humorous way. This in particular, shows the actual problem Bernie Sanders is fighting against. Memes are part of the reasons a lot of millennials love Bernie Sanders. This meme shows that Sanders supporters are one, and promote the idea of populist unity, like Bernie himself.
The second meme would be an meme making fun of Donald Trump.
1) This provides a very basic view of Donald Trump's view on immigration, especially illegal immigration.
This meme can be interpreted in different ways: Trump supporters may find it funny, and laugh at it and say "illegals should be deported." People who lean liberal could say, "Wow, Donald Trump is awful" with a short laugh at the pun between the name Juan (common Hispanic name) and one. This meme is the kind of thing that is shared a lot, because in a way it appeals to both sides. It can be used as a way to either promote Trump's ideologies, or fight against them. A lot of people would so much rather the latter.
For the millennial generation it's all about condensation. In this fast paced world, memes rule, because they provide information in a fast, and often humorous way. I mean hell, memes are small snippets of information that pass through our brain like clockwork, which is retained as memories and in a way memes shape who we vote for. Let me be clear once again: dank memes are one of the biggest reasons millennials are voting.
Also, come on. I wasn't gonna forget the best meme of the presidential election.
Thanks for reading, folks. I'll see you next time.