Have you ever found yourself
Dancing with The Dream?
The Dream that clashes so violently
With Reality,
The mother and protector
Of your heart.
She wants you to play,
But be safe;
Wear a lifejacket
And keep to the rocks in the backyard.
She wants you to love,
But only what you know;
Love the water if you can swim,
And the cliffs if you can climb.
She warns you
That still you must tread carefully
Because even Trust,
Your brother in Blood,
Can betray you.
However, The Dream calls you away
From your mother
And your brother
With his beauty
Of the gods and heavenly spirits.
With his promise
Of the purest form of euphoria.
He is swimming in the deepest oceans
Of lovely and mysterious creatures unknown.
He is climbing cliffs
Of promised sights
That even your imagination
Lacks the capacity to create.
The Dream loves you wildly.
He loves you recklessly.
He loves you strangely and fully.
And once you have your first dance with The Dream
In the realm of Reality,
He is all you crave.
So you begin to create The Dream.
You yearn so terribly to fall into his depth
And to be drenched in his colors
That you ignore the love of your Blood
When they warn you of the dangers of Impulse
And Vulnerability,
The sisters of The Dream,
And Inevitable Pain,
The worst of the three.
And so to dance past midnight,
You must make room in your heart
For his family.
Yet, Inevitable Pain will haunt you
As you befriend Impulse
And will stab you
As you drink with Vulnerability,
As long as you dance with The Dream
Outside of the home
Where Reality resides.
But when The Dream climbs the steps
Of her front porch,
When he knocks on the door
And she opens with a smile,
When he walks in
And she gives him a cup of tea,
When they agree to coexist
Within the same four walls,
Only then will Impulse
And Vulnerability
Turn against Inevitable Pain,
Leaving her at the front gate
To wait eternally for a door that will never open
While The Dream rests peacefully
In the bed of your heart
To dance again tomorrow
Under the roof of Reality.