When people ask me what I'm studying in college and I tell them, I am a dancer major; there are a handful of responses that I'm used to receiving: some roll their eyes, some look at me with horror while asking what my back up plans are, and others start sharing stories about how they did ballet when they were three. Before you ask, yes, I am aware that the dance industry is one of the hardest to make it in. Yes, I do have back up options for if my performance career does not work out. And yes, I really do study dance in college.
I'm not really sure when this attitude toward the performing arts majors started, but I have noticed that dancers tend to get more ridicule than musicians or theatre majors. Is it because people don't realize what an effect dance can have on society? Do people really only think of us messing around in tutus and not actually learning anything of value?
Besides the fact that dance contributes so much to society, I have become a much better person because of my years of extensive dance training. I am extremely disciplined—this past semester, I managed 23 credits of classes, teaching toddlers to dance a few hours a week, and all while maintaining my GPA and social life. Dance has given me so much more than I could explain in this article, and for that, I will never regret my choice in major and future.
Dance is my everything, and many people don't understand that. Dance is how I process everything that I feel, through both classes and performances. It is my outlet and my one true love. Dance is my passion, and that is why, despite how difficult I know it is going to be, I am going to try to make it in this crazy profession.
"But what about back-ups? Surely you have some sort of plan if things don't work out!" And I do. But my back up plan also involves dance. I have always had a passion for teaching, and have been teaching young dancers since my senior year of high school. I will always have teaching dance as a back up if my plan to perform falls through, and I have always wanted to teach once I am done performing anyway.
Yes, I know that dancers don't make very much money and that they often have second and third jobs. But I would much rather have a career that I love more than anything with a few more jobs on the side than work in an office from 9-5, craving something more from my life.
Besides, without dance, the world would be a very boring place, and I have no desire to live in such a world.
So the next time you want to ask me if I have a second major or if I "really think this is the wisest choice for my future," maybe take into consideration that it is just that—my future. And I cannot wait to see what's in store.