Technology is a wonderful blessing that has truly benefited all of our lives. Advancements in technology have gotten so great that I can see a 3D ultrasound picture of my beautiful baby nephew and some cars are even capable of driving on auto pilot. But like all things in this world, we have consequences. Although technology is a wonderful asset in our lives, it is not only destroying the face to face contact humans experience, but the overall atmosphere of all the marvelous beauty this world has to offer.
The weather is beginning to get warm and classes are ending for the semester, which means parties, festivals and concerts will be in full blow. Unfortunately, not everyone will be enjoying all of these celebrations to the full extent. As I sit around a bon fire, I see the bright lights of cell phone screens illuminating faces. The faces contort into a forced smile or kiss until its perfect enough to take a picture and post on every social media site. I could not seem to get my mind around the idea that making sure the cyber world knew you were at a gathering, was more important than the people you were actually spending time with.
As a generation that has been brought up through these incredible technological advances, we are losing site of what really matters. The aspect of face to face contact is virtually non-existent. Riding our bikes to a friends house down the street or just simply sending a postcard seem so far in the past. Is it possible for us to get back some of the soft skills that we seem to lack?
When Saturday night rolls around and you have tickets to that concert you have been dying to see, keep your cell phone in your pocket. Soak in the aroma of a new environment. Let your eyes see the world through more than a 6 inch screen. Pay attention to all the details that you would have missed focusing on Snapchat or what Instagram filter would look best with your outfit.
Dance like know one is watching, because they're not. Everyone else will be too busy checking their phones, but you, you will remember that moment for the rest of your life. You won't need pictures to remind you of the way the summer air felt or what food you ate. Your memories will hold it near and dear to your heart forever. Smile so big that the smart phone screen will not do it justice. Do something so wonderfully crazy, that Twitter will not even have a hashtag for it. Be unique and be charismatic, but for your own happiness, be something without a phone glued to your hand.