As my writing audience may or may not know, I am a songwriter. Writing music and poetry is something I love to do in my past time to express myself. It provides an outlet to my curiosity, as well as my insight. This piece is entitled "Ballerina Dance Shoes," and the song is about dancers and the attention they crave but from two completely different points of view. We, as common people, always try to create a degree of what's socially acceptable with people, whether its physically, professionally, emotionally or religiously. However, when we build up these social stipulations, we fail to see the judgmental wall that hinders our sight into see that although something is an extreme, it ultimately is the same as the morals or acceptance that we ourselves are striving for. Instead of attack, we should strive to understand each other; understand why each "ballerina" comes out and performs her elegant show for faceless hypocrites, why that spotlight shines so bright upon her gentle soul, that the shadow cast has manifested into her own deepest nightmares. And as you read this piece carved from my own very conscience, I hope that you too, will see the parallel fates and understand the truth behind every dance move.
This is inspired by the Nat King Cole song, Dance Ballerina Dance, I hope you enjoy.
Ballerina Dance Shoes
Verse 1
Dance Ballerina Dance and let the music overshadow the pain in your heart
Cause the whole world’s waiting on your next move
And your just waiting patiently for the next dude to walk in
Dance Ballerina Dance and let your grace mask the fact that your loves been torn apart
The eyes of one was all you ever desired
But now you tire of the hopes of a liar
Although he’s not out there upon the moment you steal the show
And it seems you can’t ignore the empty seat on the second row
You dance your heart away So now that vacant space
Has left hole in your heart…..
But it’s time to tie up your ballerina dance shoes
Put on your make up, fix your hair and practice your dance moves
All eyes will be on you but no one knows how it feels
Relevé and Fouetté
The show must go on even if he’s late
So tie up your ballerina dance shoes….. and just dance
Verse 2
Dance Ballerina dance and let the dollars slowly falling replace all of your pain
Cause pride alone aint gone put food on the table
And men’s desires will always keep the money stable
Dance Ballerina Dance and let your romance die cause all men seem the same
falling in love with their fantasy girl
And although shallow you feel the love in an alternate world
And now all attentions on you upon the moment you steal the show
And you’re a step closer to your dreams as every dollar hits the floor
So you Dance your Heart away and now that vacant space
Has left a hole in your heart…
So it’s time to tie up your ballerina dance shoes
Put on your make up, fix your hair and practice your dance moves
All eyes will be on you but no one knows how it feels
Do the splits and sliding down the pole
They’re giving 100's but you want their souls
So tie up your ballerina dance shoes….. and just dance.