Dalton High School Teacher Fires Shots On Campus, Proves Arming Teachers Won't Solve The Problem | The Odyssey Online
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Dalton High School Teacher Fires Shots On Campus, Proves Arming Teachers Won't Solve The Problem

A shooting by a teacher in Georgia causes people to call for a gun control plan other than concealed carry for teachers.

Dalton High School Teacher Fires Shots On Campus, Proves Arming Teachers Won't Solve The Problem
Photo via Flickr

TAMPA-- Two weeks after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida the calls from survivors and families for gun control have been answered by the NRA and many politicians with the proposal to arm teachers. The events at Dalton High School in Georgia on Wednesday prove that this is not a solution.

Jesse Randal Davidson, 53, was a social studies teacher at Dalton High School. On Wednesday he barricaded himself in a classroom and opened fire. Fortunately the classroom was empty, and no students were harmed in the shooting.

The shooting did cause the school to go on lockdown and eventually evacuate. Students at Dalton High quickly took to social media to share news of the event-- as well as their feelings on arming teachers.

Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez tweeted about the incident shortly after news broke on Twitter. Gonzalez has been at the forefront of student activists from the Parkland shooting.

An article by NPR details teachers' reluctance to be armed and trained to shoot. The article delves into school's in Ohio where concealed carry is already permitted for teachers. The superintendent of the Hicksville County school board explained that carrying a gun is optional, and the identity of faculty chosen for concealed carry is kept confidential.

The article also includes opinions of other teachers and hopeful teachers who feel there are other ways to keep students safe-- and even prevent school shootings-- rather than adding more guns to the equation.

So much is already expected of teachers already; and while it is arguably one of the most important professions, it is still one of the least respected and most underpaid.

In a time where school boards continue to cut funding and deny teachers sufficient supplies, how can the funding of weapons in our schools be justified?

Though many still cling to their guns and 2nd Amendment for dear life, we must ask ourselves what our priorities are as a nation? Isn't the right to life and education for the children of our country more important than owning a deadly weapon?

The shooting at Dalton High shows that more guns won't prevent a shooting, it just creates a bigger opportunity for one to occur. In order for real change to happen, we must prioritize the safety of students and focus on immediate policy change in our country.

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