Affirmations are statements that we say to ourselves, either out loud or in our heads.
Why would someone want to talk to themselves? These statements we speak are feeding our minds positive information. Doing this helps us to let go of any negative thoughts or images we may be holding on to. Doing affirmations daily helps us to reprogram our unconscious mind.
Are you a woman who deals with low self-esteem, lack of worth, or negative body image? Here are five daily affirmations you can apply to your life. I suggest you write them on a sticky note, on your mirror, say them out loud in the mirror daily, or write them down daily. Notice how your thinking chances!
I can and I will
Stop saying "I can't" and start saying "I can." You can't push and drive yourself with negative thoughts. Stop being average, because when you stop being average you'll start living at your potential and reach your greatness. You're a survivor, not a quitter. We are scared of failure and try to stay in our comfort zone. When you tell yourself you can, you are enabling your potential. When you tell yourself you will, you are taking responsibility for your action.
I am enough
Sometimes we struggle with our own value and it can make us feel inadequate, whether it's in a relationship, at work, or in school. All my life I've questioned if I was enough. At home, I would try to impress my family by getting good grades, but still, they didn't notice.
In relationships, I would try to take the extra mile and still felt like my effort wasn't being noticed. At that point, I realized it wasn't them, it was me. I have to put myself before others and stop waiting for acceptance from others because it probably was never going to happen. To start feeling like you are enough, you have to start with yourself.
I love and respect my body
For those who may battle with self-image, I'm there with you. It's hard to love your body when you are constantly seeing images of what women are "supposed to look like" on Instagram and television. Hating your body won't change the way you look or help you achieve your nutrition and health goals. I encourage you to stop body shaming yourself and incorporate positive affirmations and see how your body image changes.
I am capable of love, loving, and being loved
Most of us may lose this feeling after a heart-break. What makes us feel this way? Honestly, after my last relationship, I was afraid I wasn't going to love again or be loved. Which brings me to the fact that I didn't love myself. How can you love someone if you don't love yourself?
When you have low self-confidence, we start to become dependent on the emotions of our partner. So when my ex and I broke up, I lost that feeling of love I was yearning for. Once I started to work on my self-confidence, I began to understand what it was like to love myself. I knew what self-esteem was capable of and what my worth was. Don't let a break up make you think you aren't capable. One day you'll meet someone who gives you an abundance of love unconditionally.
I am encouraging of others success
Ladies we have to stop putting each other down and help build each other up! Root for all of your fellow sisters so we can make this world a better place. Let's embrace each other and support one another. This affirmation will help to build up the ones around us and ourselves.
All who read this, I'm sending love and support your way to become your happiest and healthiest self by saying these affirmations to yourself daily.