It's weird having a sibling. When I lived with my big sister, I never appreciated having someone constantly there for me. A second closet, a partner in crime, a buddy in times of boring. College has made me appreciate her much more than ever before, so much so that we FaceTime and text almost daily. These are mine and my sister's 31 most common messages...
"What should I get Mom and Dad for Christmas?"
Especially this holiday season.
"Can I borrow that one dress you have for a few weeks?"
"Someone pissed me off again."
"I have a kind of important question to ask you."
Tbh, it's never that important.
"I'll call you back in a minute."
"What do the kids like to play?"
For anyone with nieces or nephews...
"Are you gonna be home next weekend?"
"When are you going to visit me?"
"Who could win in a fight? Me or you?"
 "I love you."
 "I hate you."
 "[insert celebrity name] and [insert celebrity's spouse's name] broke up. Love is dead."
 "Go like my selfie on Instagram."
 *sends baby photo of us* "I was cuter."
 "So...I blacked out last night."
 "Hey, I did something stupid."
 "I miss you."
 "Did you SEE the new episode of [insert show here]?!"
For my sister and I, it's "Game Of Thrones."
 "What does a guy mean when he says this?"
 "Why are men DUMB?"
 "Make me food when I come home."
 "Tell the kids I miss them."
 "Why does everyone think we look alike?"
But we do...