Growing up as a cheerleader, you experience more struggles than ever imaginable. Whether it's because of falling, breaking a bone, getting kicked out of practice, or dealing with the attitudes of teammates or rivals, cheerleading isn't all sparkles and smiles. Luckily "Bring It On" knows exactly what we feel.
Here are the daily struggles of a cheerleader, as told by the classic cheerleading movie:
1. When your coach tells you (multiple times) that you're replaceable.
2. When you save a stunt that should've fallen.
3. When people say, "Cheerleading isn't a sport."
4. When choreography runs into your lunch break.
5. When you don't do well at a competition.
6. The spirit stick... enough said.
7. When you have practice, two exams, homework, and no time for sleep.
8. When you have to deal with the attitudes of your rival.
9. When your coach says "last full out" but you know that really means 20 more full outs.
10. When you're on a co-ed team.
11. When your teammate calls out of practice sick so your stunt can't go up.
12. When your coach kicks you out of practice for one fall.
But, through all the struggles, you wouldn't trade it for the world.