Wake Up. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
All of us have one thing in common and that thing is: routines.
Whether we would like to admit it or not, routines are something that are part of our everyday lives. Some may have a small morning ritual they like to follow, or a certain set of rituals they tend to follow throughout the day or even before sleep. While spontaneity is a great thing to have in our lives, following a routine helps one stay calm and relaxed and brings a sense of normality to the day. Since we are so comfortable living a certain way, it becomes extremely difficult for us to follow any other way of living without adjusting or altering our preferences altogether.
Personally, I am a huge fan of routines simply because I enjoy staying busy and following a regular set of steps throughout the day. I enjoy spontaneity like any other person does, but having a routine keeps me busy and keeps me active throughout the day.
Here are some reasons why you should consider having a routine throughout the day:
1. Having a Busy Schedule
I've realized one thing about myself, and that is having a packed schedule. While this may not be for the faint of heart, I find that I am the most productive when I have the busiest schedule. Many times having a million things to do is satisfying mainly because I have multiple things to check off my to-do-list. Additionally, a packed schedule keeps you active and busy. There's no room for you to be bored. I've noticed that many people tend to get bored very easily when they do not have many things to do. It is in this state of having nothing to do in which people tend to be the least productive and make the least of their time. Having a busy schedule means that I have made the most of my time, and I've earned a night of sleep that I truly deserved. Furthermore, it makes me feel good about the things I've accomplished in a day and makes me look forward to the things that are to come.
2. Being Productive
While this point goes hand in hand with my previous point, I can not stress how important it is to have a schedule to look it. Following a routine not only keeps me on track, but it also keeps me going throughout the day. I know what tasks I need to accomplish and what needs to be done and by what deadline.
3. Staying Organized
One of the most important things that any person could ask for is organization. Whether it be one's professional or everyday life, staying organized not only keeps you on track, but also keeps you focused and keeps you going throughout the day. Additionally, organization helps you keep all your thoughts and ideas in order and helps you keep your thoughts and priorities in order for the day.
Having a schedule may seem like one of the most boring things in the world. However, following a daily routine/plan of events not only keeps you productive, but it keeps you organized and busy. Many people like spontaneity. There's nothing wrong with that, but an everyday lifestyle does require planning and serious organization. Remember, there's nothing wrong with having a schedule. It just means you know what you are doing for the day. So, the next time you feel as though you are bored or stressed from having so many things to do in one day, ask yourself: would you really want to have it any other way?