Sometimes life gets a tad bit sticky, and when you don't de-stress it can get messy. Here are my top five ways of de-stressing that can help you get a handle on things.
1. Grab a Coffee With Your Friends
There is something special about being in a place that you love whether that is the local Starbucks, a cute coffee shop in the middle of town, or even your own kitchen. It's even better when you're in the company of some of your favorite people!
If you are having a slow day, need energy, or just need to get out of the house then you should try and enjoy your favorite drinks in your favorite place.
So plop yourself into an oversized chair, sip your fancy drink and vent away to your person!
2. Take a Bath or Shower
It is refreshing the feeling of being clean and smelling good after a rough day.
Two words: Bath bombs.
If you like something pink that smells like bubblegum and leaves your skin soft and covered in sparkles then bath bombs are for you.
Don't like taking baths? I have another two words for you: Shower tabs. They smell amazing, open your pores and provide overall relaxation.
The only thing that makes this even better is when you are done you can put on your favorite pair of pajamas and melt into your favorite spot and just be there.
3. Watch Some Netflix
Let's be honest... Netflix is life.
You wanna feel happy? Netflix. Want to get sucked into your favorite TV show? Netflix. For every person, every mood, there is something on Netflix, and my favorite feature is that it will even match you with more shows you'll love! OR you can binge "The Office" for the sixth time!
4. Organize Your Work space
My desk is my home.
I sit at my desk for about six hours each day, and I do my best (and feel my best) when I'm working at a clean desk. Knowing where all of my things are feels a lot better than the panic that ensues when you lost something.
This is more of a mood booster for the future you, but you'll feel good doing it too!
5. Reward Yourself
I'm not saying that you should go out and buy a replica of a Batman costume, but if that's your thing and you can... Do it.
Life gets hard, and sometimes you need a little push to get you going. Whether it be a day out, a new pair of shoes, or even watching some TV (cough cough, "Parks And Rec"), TREAT YO' SELF!