1) The sun is shining and I am ready to take on another day
Every morning, whether the sun is actually shining or not, it is important to wake up telling yourself the sun is shining because it is. Any morning you wake up the sun is theoretically shining and giving you a new day to get out there and do and be your best. If you have the most positive attitude that you can, then the that sun will shine throughout your day!
2) Inhale confidence; exhale doubts
This is essential to anyone in life. We often let ourselves get held back by doubt and fears; letting them keep us from getting to where we want to be. Never think to yourself that you cannot do something or that you are not good enough because I promise you, you are! And if you're telling yourself, I'm not doubting just waiting until I am ready, I have another quote for you. "If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting the rest of our lives, ~ Lemony Snicket." Take whatever is holding you back and let go of it, don't let it stop you from owning your confidence.
3) I can conquer through peace, prayer and mediation
There are times when we all need to take a step back from everything going in our world and take minute to be mindful. Not going to lie, this is a hard one for me, even though I've been given this advice my whole life it has taken me 21 years to actually start to practice it. Whether you do it through God and prayer, or silent reflection and meditation; take a few minutes everyday to look at your life and look at those "unconquerable" pieces of it. Remember that they aren't unconquerable forever, just for right now and that once you change the way you look at it you will be able to do anything!
4) It is always too early to give up
I feel like this is self explanatory in many ways. If you are trying to achieve a goal and keep stopping before you ever get there, then you gave up too early. It may seem like the end is never in sight, but that little extra push can lead to some huge accomplishments.
5) I will take the time to notice and appreciate the little things around me
This one is simple. Take the time to notice the little things around you. Every night I have to take my puppy out to the bathroom and I always stand on my back porch for at least a minute and stare up at the stars. I have been doing this almost every night for a year now and I have watched stars shift position and pattern. It is a simple thing that not many people notice or care to notice, but when you stop and think about it, it is a wonder. Don't let simple, little things in life pass you by.
6) If it will not matter in five years, do not spend more than five minutes worrying about it
Again, this was another hard one for me to learn. If something happens that's small like you couldn't get your hair done the right way or you forgot something at home or maybe you did something as simple as spill your coffee. If it won't be a factor or have an affect on your life in five years, please do not waste your time dwelling on it! As we have all heard at some point in our lives, time is precious, don't waste it.
7) Tomorrow is unknown; by taking care of yourself today, you will be strong enough to face whatever comes next
My favorite question to ask people, how do you expect to take care of anyone or anything if you do not take care of yourself? This is one of the reasons why I am going into the career I have chosen. You don't have the time to exercise, you don't have the time to eat right, you don't have the time to sleep or shower or do laundry or be with friends. These things are all essential to your emotional, mental, spiritual and social well being. How can you keep expecting to take care of everything in your life, if you are not taking care of yourself?
8) My spirit is beautiful
I guarantee you, unless you are a clone, YOU are the only you ON THIS PLANET! Embrace who you are, your spirit, your body, your soul and live and love as yourself. Each of us has a unique spirit and a unique vessel (a.k.a your body) to carry that spirit in. Never forget to tell yourself that you beautiful (this goes for guys too!)
9) I can make a difference
It will feel like no one notices or no one cares what you are doing. They will look at the things that aren't perfect and wonder why no one has fixed them and they will pass over all the hard work you have done. This does not mean you give up. Keep going, because someone notices. Anytime my friends take an extra step and come visit me at our school's other campus, or when I see student pick up a piece of trash, or offer to help someone that looks lost -- someone else notices those efforts too.
10) I am loved
I promise you, this is the most important thing you can say to yourself. We are all loved by someone else. It may not seem like it sometimes, it may not feel like it. Whether it is your family, your friends, coworkers, pets, people that you just interact with on a day to day basis that you might not even think about when you go to sleep at night -- they love you. And we can't forget about one of the more important loves, the love from yourself. Love can come from external sources or internal sources, either way you are loved <3