When I was twelve I thought about how old, cool, and adult like people in college were. They had it all together living on their own, doing college, real life, they just seemed to have it all going their way. I envied and looked forward to that time in my life...until I realized I was SO very wrong. We don't have it all together but we sure are trying hard and drowning while doing it! Daily life is a struggle, but you my friend are making it happen. Here's to you and your #dailystruggles as a twenty-something.
Waking Up
What day is it? Is it the next morning or waking up from that 3 hour nap I took? Either way I'm not ready to be up and don't even think I can function beyond this bed. 8 o'clock class? Work? How about try again tomorrow...
Clothing Yourself
You mean to tell me now that I'm up I have to clothe myself for the public? There's nothing to wear I only own Norts and 2XL tees...going for effortless look then today it seems.
Time Management
I took like 3 hours to get out of bed, 2 to find clean clothes, and now it's 9AM. Shoot I'm gonna be late to class, and wait was that paper due today? Knew I should of started on it last week...where are my car keys?
Juggling School and Social Life
Assignment, paper, work, read book, project, group meeting, presentation, gym, class, work, eat, sleep, breathe, when was the last time I saw my friends? SOS loner drowning in school and life, send help! Preferably in the form of friends carrying ice cream to my door.
Working Out
Goes to gym, gets intimidated, does one machine, leaves gym, tells self, "I'm going to try again tomorrow."
Hungry, must feed self. Cereal? Microwave pizza? Or adult and try to cook? *proceeds to burn noodles, set fire to meat, and drop sauce all of the floor* Ordering pizza it is, not like I'm going to the gym again anway...
Do It All Again
And you know what, it does get better and you will get it together. You may be old and senile one day but you can look back and know you lived and lived it well. You took each day for it mistakes, triumphs, and all. You learned how to adult and how to be a functioning citizen; you will contribute to society. Not for today, but we will get there one day my friends. For now keep on failing and get right back up, you're making it! Here's to being thirty-somethings who have it "all together" one day!