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5 Reasons Daenerys Targaryen Is The Feminist Icon We Deserve

We love an activist queen.

5 Reasons Daenerys Targaryen Is The Feminist Icon We Deserve

As I (and a great percentage of the population) wait not-so-patiently for the final season of Game of Thrones and rewatch the previous seasons, I am reminded of Daenerys's evolution. She goes from a timid girl in the shadow of her treacherous brother to Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. Like how badass is that? She single-handedly gains the trust of thousands of slaves (now ex-slaves) and makes them into her army whilst using her sex-appeal to her advantage at times. We love an activist queen who believes in good for all people.

1. She recognizes that men want her, and she doesn't feel obligated to reciprocate it.

I think a great example of this is Daenerys' relationship with Jorah. Dany has stuck Jorah in the "friend zone," as she rightfully can, and Jorah has shown his dismay with his placement a time or two. Although Dany makes it clear she doesn't want Jorah, he continues to do things to "woo" her, which all fail because Dany is an independent woman who doesn't need a man.

2. She wears the pants in her relationship.


At first, Daenerys feels trapped in her relationship and is afraid of Khal Drogo. He originally sees her as property because that's what she was traded as by her brother. She then transforms their marriage into a partnership by taking control and letting Drogo know she is much more than property, and that she is capable of ruling alongside the Khal. Dany is the moon of Drogo's life until his death.

3. She stands up for what is right.

Even though she was so rudely traded for an army, she quickly gains respect for her new people, the Dothraki, and takes her title as Khaleesi very seriously. Not only does she take the Dothraki under her wing, she also frees the women, children and the Unsullied from Essos and strengthens her army. She is all for liberation and freedom.

4. Men undermine her power, but she uses it to her advantage.

While rallying for ships to transport her army, Daenerys comes in contact with many male rulers who take her as a joke. They only see her outer appearance; they don't know what she's capable of or the power she possesses. So when she meets with these rulers, she is often faced with belittlement. In return, she either says something extremely cunning, or she threatens them with her dragons. Either way, she typically gets what she wants, and ends up with plenty of gold, more army men, and ships to get her to the Iron Throne.

5. She's the Mother of Dragons, for crying out loud!


Having dragons who listen to your every command is quite the move. With Daenerys' dragons being full grown now, her potential to take the Iron Throne was greater than ever. But now that the Night King has one of her dragons and the focus has shifted away from the Iron Throne, who knows what is going to happen.

I'm saddened by the next season being the final season of Game of Thrones, but I am also excited to see how it ends. I'm glad Dany is coming around to the fact that the Night King is who to focus her army on for now, and I am excited to see Jon Snow and her join forces.

On another note, I'm all for women empowerment, but I really hope Cersei dies. The end.

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