Friends come and go but family lasts forever. No one is there for you through all of your ups and downs and knows you even more than you know yourself, except for family. There are so many articles written for mothers and how they're a daughter's best friend, but I think it's time we show some love for all of the amazing dads out there!
Dads are always there for you to call, whether it's just to vent, about a car issue, etc.
Dads always listen to you no matter what. Even if you call them to go off on a rant about (insert name here), he may not know them, but he'll still sit there and agree with everything you are saying about them. In addition, dads will spend hours on the phone with you trying to explain what your car issues and the mystery parts that you have to fix are.
They remind you that it's okay to make mistakes.
Everyone makes mistakes every once in awhile. Though parents may get angry and punish you for doing stupid things, they are still there for you at the end of the day to remind you that everyone makes mistakes at some point in their lives and that your mistakes don't define you as a person.
Dads give you morals and quotes to live by.
Personally, my dad has always told me that "After every action comes a reaction" and "Tigers never change their stripes." He's taught me to always be hard working, caring, and kind to everyone. Dads give you their beliefs in life and let you do what you please with them. If you're smart, you'll live by these beliefs and keep them in your mind each day because as they say, dads know best.
They always support you and back you up no matter what.
Dads may not agree with everything that you do, but no matter what, we know that they will always be there to support us and to pick us up when we're down.
They remind you to never settle.
Whether this be a job,a significant other, etc. Dads remind you that you deserve the absolute best and you shouldn't settle for anything less than that.
They love and accept you through all of your craziness.
Everyone has quirks and flaws, luckily our family is forced to love us no matter what. Dads show us unconditional love and accept us no matter what, even when they have seen us at our worst. Dads are people we know that we can count on for absolutely anything, so for all of the amazing dads out there, thank you for all that you do!