Since we just got done celebrating Father's Day, I decided now would be the perfect time to write a letter to my Dad.
Dear Dad,
I want to start off by thanking you for being the best father that a girl could ever ask for. Very few daughters have a bond with their father that is as strong as the one you and me have. I know that I may not always be easy to get along with, but somehow you manage to put up with me! To be exact, you have had enough patience and love to deal with me for nineteen years so far! Some say I am stubborn like Mom, others say I get it from you. So thank you for putting up with me and my attitude that was hard to handle at times.
I also want to thank you for being supportive in everything I do. It takes a special kind of Dad to sit through what probably seemed like a million football games and basketball games to you just to watch me cheer. There are very few times that you weren't able to watch me cheer over the course of 11 years. I remember the night that you and Mom escorted me on the track for senior night at my very last home football game. We all might have said we were happy that we had no more football games to sit through, but I think we also knew that this meant my cheerleading career was coming to an end. There are not enough words to say just how thankful I am that you were there for me during my cheerleading years! There were times that you knew I was having trouble with certain things whether it be boys or school, and you still pushed me to do my best and had confidence in me. I cannot thank you enough for that. Even though I am in college, I still see the support that you give to me endlessly. Once again, thank you for being so supportive and having confidence in me.
The next thing I want to thank you for is being a Dad who is into sports as much as I am. I wouldn't want to watch a football game on TV or yell at it like we can be heard with anybody else. Mom probably finds us annoying sometimes during football season, but hey, it is fun to us! I also want to thank you for allowing me to drag you to wrestling matches and tournaments. I am just thankful you wrestled in school and could tolerate the sport because if you hadn't, I am not sure who I would sit at the matches and tournaments with. I am happy that I can share my passion for wrestling with you, not too many dads could say their daughter understands wrestling, let alone enjoy watching it. Lastly, comes baseball. Thank you for also going to baseball games with me. People would sometimes ask what you were doing at the field, and you would just point to me! I enjoyed every sporting event that we went to together, even if you did yell at the refs or umpires sometimes!
Lastly, thank you for just being you! I couldn't imagine life without you. You always seem to know how to make me laugh even when I am not in the best mood. So once again thank you for everything and for being the best Dad that a girl could ever have! Love you!
Your Daughter