No matter what you’re going through, or what kind of situation you are in, there is always one man you can trust to help you out. One man who will literally do absolutely anything for you and your happiness. One man who wants nothing more in the world than for you to be safe, happy, and properly taken care of. And that man is your dad. Ever since the minute you were born, he has taken it upon himself to protect you and be there for you. Girls can have trouble with boys, as they consistently prove that they are hard to trust in this society. But a girl’s dad is the one man she can blindly trust with anything and everything, and he will never let you down. And as girls, we need to always remember that.
When I was a little girl, it was always such a comfort to me that I had this big, strong man protecting me. And it still is… and even if we are miles away, he never really feels that far. A dad is a girl’s personal hero who will do anything to save her. I still perfectly remember the sound of my dad coming home every night and the feeling of telling him all about my day, even though he probably just wanted to go to sleep. He plays such a role in the decisions I make in my life. If my dad thinks I should do something, even if it might be a risk, I do it… because I know that if he thinks it’s best for me, then it most likely is.
As girls get older, boys obviously become a part of life. They may come and go, stay for a while, or cause terrible heartbreak. But I don’t care what any girl says, no man will treat you better than your dad. And through all the hell a boy can put a girl through, her dad will forever be by her side, protecting her from the dangers of the male species. Like my dad always tells me, “I was one of them at one point in my life, I know what they’re thinking and I don’t trust them.” And you may be lucky, you may find a diamond in the rough… find one of the good boys that makes you happy (and that dad approves of). He may treat you like the princess your dad always said you were and you may feel like the luckiest girl in the world with this boy… but never forget the one man who will forever give you the world and more and always remember he should always be number one in your life.
Alongside my mom, my dad has helped shaped who I am. I have become the girl I am today because of his support and guidance. He helped me through everything… from math problems in elementary school, to teaching me how to change a tire (even though I don’t really remember that and would probably call him to do it anyways). He guided me through the big decisions of life and even if he thought I was wrong, he stuck by me no matter what. People may come and go in your life, but your dad is someone who will never leave, no matter what stupid things you do in your life (because he’s too busy laughing at you). He has the power to brighten even my darkest days with his stereotypical dad jokes that I can’t help but laugh at and he always knows the right thing to say. I can’t thank him enough for being there, always just a phone call away.
I know I am one of the lucky ones. I am blessed to have my dad in my life, because many girls have lost their fathers. But they didn’t really lose him… because no matter if your dad is an angel in heaven or a hero on earth, he is always, always, by your side ready to protect you and be there for you.
So, Dad, no matter what I do or say or what I’m going through, always know that you are and always will be my forever number one guy.