You've been the most important man in my life since the day I was born, and nothing will ever change that. You've taught me so much throughout my lifetime and I know I have so much more to learn from you still. Because of you I have my work ethic and I know I should always work for the things I want. You've shown me how to pick my battles, and when I should speak up and stand up for myself. You've taught me respect, and that there is nothing more important in this world than family. Though I could never complete a list of everything I've learned from you throughout the years there is one specific thing that I am forever grateful for you teaching me.
You've taught me, not only how to love, but more importantly what true love looks like and how I deserve to be loved. You taught me that true love isn't always about grand gestures and you don't need to buy a dozen roses to show someone how much you really love them. Love is when you wake mom up with a cup of coffee exactly how she likes it and it's the little notes you leave her in front of the coffee maker on mornings she doesn't wake up with you, signed "love, me". It's rubbing mom's feet while you're engulfed in a football game. It's defending her to the ends of the earth no matter what, and always looking out for hers and your children's safety. You've taught me that love, above all, is respect.
You've watched me love and be loved in so many wrong ways, and I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you to watch my heart break again and again because I couldn't see what love truly was for so long. I want you to know that I've taken a step back, and I've learned what love really is and what it really means. Now I know what true loves looks like, and how it should make me feel, and it mostly comes from watching you love my mother. You've loved her through the toughest times in your lives, and you've shown me that someone who will give up easily is not someone I am meant to be with. Love is strength, and fighting through fears and hard times, love never gives up, and I know this because you've never once given up on the ones you love. I could never thank you enough for teaching me what the love I deserve looks and feels like, even though it took me a long time to finally see it, because of you I have found a love that relies on the idea of respect and strength, and next to the unconditional love you've shown me throughout my lifetime, it's the best happiest love I've ever experienced.
Thank you Dad, I love you.