I might be biased, but I think I have the best dad ever. I am beyond blessed to have a father who loves being a dad so much. Sometimes I take this for granted, but I've decided to take a step back, appreciate how lucky I am, and see things from his perspective.
1. "I love watching my kids play sports."
My dad also fails to give himself credit for how great of a coach he was to my sister and her teammates during their youth years. After 19 years of life, the first time I've ever seen my dad cry was when he coached my sister and her teammates for their final game, and the final buzzer rang.
2. "Going to dance recitals."
3. "Listening to the conversations my kids have with their friends in the car."
These are some pretty good conversations, trust me.
4. "Watching them learn."
And my dad teaches us and others so much.
5. "When they help a neighbor out."
6. "Having lunch with my kids."
You have no idea how many texts my dad and I send about meeting up for lunch.
7. "Playing any kind of sports with them (frisbee, shooting baskets, etc)."
Even if windows get broken...
8. "When other parents come up to you and say 'your kids are so smart.'"
9. "Dancing with them."
My sister teaches my dad some pretty great dance moves.
10. "Playing board games with them."
11. "Watching them in a Forensics meet."
My dad will support us in anything we do.
12. "Listening to them after they have all gone to Orange Leaf."
Okay, my siblings and I have the best time at Orange Leaf and talk about it for days. I think it's pretty cool for my dad to see the bond we have.
14. "Watching them get excited when they have accomplished one of their goals."
We wouldn't have been able to accomplish this without you, Dad.
15. "Doing a plank challenge with them."
16. "Watching sports with them on TV."
My dad taught me to love watching football at the age of three. Nothing beats spending all day Sunday, laying on the couch and watching football with him. The first Sunday I spend at college was quite an adjustment, and I literally had no idea what to do. We both learned to adjust though (even if it meant sending each other a million texts).
17. "Being proud of my kids when they stand up for something they believe in."
My dad has always taught us to stand up for ourselves and our beliefs, and this is one of the greatest gifts I have ever received.
18. "Listening to them as they teach you about Greek mythology."
Okay, my brother's obsessed with Greek mythology. But I think the point is, my dad loves hearing us talk about anything we're passionate about.