Dear Dad,
Being four hours away from you at this point in time is actually a really bad struggle. You mean the world to me and I wish I could repay you for everything you've ever done for me. Being a daddy's girl is who I am and you mean everything to me. If I ever marry a guy even remotely close to the man you are, I would be the happiest girl in the world. Every guy that I meet and talk to literally gets compared to you. Not trying to seem all sappy or anything, but you are the number one guy in my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.
You give me everything I need and then some. I love spending time with you even if it is for like a second. When we have our little conversations when I call home, it is the best. Granted we only talk about sports, but it does mean a lot to me. I can't wait to see you when you come get me for Thanksgiving break. The car ride home will be amazing because it always is. This time I promise I won't fall asleep and I'll save all of my story's for that four-hour drive. Just a little heads up, though, I am making a playlist so prepare yourself. But like, let's get real for a quick moment, no matter where we are going or how long we are going to be in the car, the rides are always amazing.
Whenever people meet me and then meet you, they always say that I am a spitting image of you. I honestly don't see it, but it's totally OK. Being compared to you is pretty damn awesome because you are so funny and caring and loving and everything else positive that I can't put into words. Sometimes you do get your man period and don't deny it because you know it's true and it happens. What's funny about you getting your man period is that your a bit synced with me and my sister. I don't apologize for all the fun we have together but I do apologize for all the fun you don't have because someone always ends up in a bad mood or because the days get cut short.
I love you so much, without you I probably wouldn't be the strong female I am today. If you weren't my dad I probably would be off somewhere dead or homeless or something horrible like that. You keep me in my place and because of that, I thank you. Thank you for not being strict like all the other parents and letting me make my own mistakes. Thank you for not getting mad when I made mistake after mistake. Thank you for being patient with my crazy psycho ass and never getting mad on the days I got overly unnecessarily emotional. Thank you for always being by my side in all the decisions I make. Thank you for raising me the way you did. Everything that I am is because of you. I'm the funny, smart, strong, independent person I am because you taught me to be this way. Without you, I'd probably be a low-life crack head with no future and I'm glad I'm not.
I wish there was more I could say as to how much I appreciate you, but there are no other words in the world that can help me out. I really am thankful for you and I love you
From your perfect little devil