Everyone knows a doxie when they see one. The little short dogs that are insanely long. In the words of my dad, they are “half a dog high and a dog and a half long.” We all know the jokes that are made about the “little dog syndrome” that directly applies to these little puppers. But there are also things that only owners of these little weirdos understand
1. Barking, barking and more barking
2. The digging in everything
3. Their hate of the cold and rain
4. Their hatred of wet grass
I mean if you were about two inches off the ground, you would hate it too. The wetness on their belly is just a no go for them.
5. Their clinginess
Though they are the most loyal dogs, they will not leave your side. Mine sits on the rug while I shower because she must know where I am. She also follows me into the bathroom every time.
6. Their unconditional love
7. Their love of rolling in gross things
They are notorious for rolling in anything that they think smells good, this can even include gross, dead things that they find in the grass. But it can also be a treat, but mostly it’s the gross dead things.
8. “Is a dachshund like a wiener dog?”
9. They talk back
10. Their love of snuggling and blankets
They literally always have to be under the covers when they sleep and they have to be touching you somehow. They always have favorite blankets, mine has a giant fuzzy blanket. It must go everywhere with her so that she can sleep on it and it’s the only way that she will go in the cage.
All of us doxie owners know that all these are completely true, but we also know that they are the best dog. Even though we complain about them we will probably always have doxies for the rest of our lives. So, here’s to all the doxie owners and their furry friends.