So as some of you may have noticed, or not, I haven't written a full length article in a while. I've just been publishing poems and song lyrics I wrote ages ago. There are many reasons for this from midterms to depression. Luckily for me both things come to an end.
For me depression is cyclical. Some days I'm good, others not so much, but I always know that I will feel better. Every now and then I will get depressed for seemingly no reason but that is the nature of depression. And just as it came, so does it go. Everything suddenly clears and gets better.
One thing I find interesting about depression is how the same thoughts cause different reactions in my mind. When I'm depressed I will start obsessing over certain thoughts and it can consume me. I will become worried about losing friends and loved ones and even though I know everything is ok I can't shake the dread. However cycle around and I will think about the same thoughts and not even worry. It's all in the state of mind.
I guess the moral of this poorly constructed story is that everything gets better. At the end of the day you might feel like shit and like everyone hates you but tomorrow is a new day and it comes with a new beginning. There are no highs without lows. How many cliches do you want? I can keep going. But in all reality some days it takes all your effort to even get out of bed and on those days it might seem like there is no point going on. Stick with it, just as the low point came it will go as well and on the days when you are happy everything suddenly becomes worth it. Life is not without struggles so don't give up, as hard as it is.
I hope this helped someone out there and wasn't just a long rambling jumble. Just remember that you are cared for and loved, you are not alone.