Admit it, puppies are the best. In fact, they are much better than a kitten will ever be. They can run, play, jump, wag their tails and not to mention, they always want to hang out with you. He’s your best friend. No doubt, the dog is simply the best animal to ever roam the earth. Are you a dog lover? Do you just love looking at cute puppy photos? Or maybe you just want every dog on the planet. Seriously. Can we have all of them? Maybe we should just buy a farm and get every single puppy in the world. We wouldn’t complain. Whatever kind of dog person you are, you love them, and looking at them isn’t so bad either. Check out this list consisting of the cutest puppies in the world. Seriously!!
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I'm the cutest, guys. I even have my own bench.
Come love me. I'm small and fluffy like a teddy bear.
Just laying here looking cute, cause duh!
I LOVE YOU!! Have I mentioned that I have the prettiest eyes in puppy land?
I'm a natural at running. LOOK AT ME GO!!
I ate all my food. More, please!! I need more food!!
I should get paid to sit here and look cute!
I was looking for a ball and all I found was this basket.
I should be on the cover Vogue. I would SLAY that photo shoot.
I found this stick and now I'm the happiest puppy in dog world.
I paid for this vacation? NO! I got it all for free cause I'm so stinking adorable. Look at me!!
I got this scarf from Taylor Swift. I keep it because it smells like her.
No one will take my food if I just sit here and look pretty.
I woke up like this. FLAWLESS!
Do you think I could win "America's Next Top Model"?
I just wanna go for a car ride. Please take me!! Pleassseeee!!!
I read Travel and Leisure in my spare time!
My name is Molly and I'm the queen of dog world.
I'm Boomer and I'm the king of the world.