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16 Cute Valentine's Day Dates

Get creative this Valentine's Day with some inspiration

16 Cute Valentine's Day Dates
Julie Myers

It's that special day of the year to show that special someone how much you care about them. You've already picked out a perfect gift, as well as that restaurant you've been to thirty times in the past year. This year it's too booked to get a spot and you're tired of choosing the same steak and potatoes meal that you get every time you visit anyways. You're ready to spice up the date and make this Valentine's Day one that she won't forget, but you don't know how. Here's the perfect list of cute dates for Valentine's Day that she'll be sure to remember forever.

Child-Like Fun:

1. Put googly eyes on everything in sight... everything.

2. Get nerf guns and drive around, shooting them onto other car windows so they stick

3. Play Pokemon Go, or some other geocaching scavenger hunt game

4. Play in a foam pit

5. Go to Goodwill and pick out crazy outfits for each other

Romantic Ideas:

1. Stargaze

2. Watch your favorite movie outside under the stars

3. Visit a planetarium

4. Visit an art gallery

5. Decorate your dream house together at IKEA

Adventurous Ideas

1. Go to a pottery class

2. Visit a karaoke bar

3. Take a ferry ride

4. Go rock climbing

5. Go horseback riding

Honestly, just about anything planned from the heart is going to make a girl swoon. Get creative. There's no one that knows your significant other better than you do, so you of all people know what would interest them and get them excited. Perhaps they might enjoy a night in relaxing in pajamas over going out for a night on the town. Consider what they would enjoy. Take one idea from each category and run with it. The world is full of endless possibilities!

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