We have all heard many stories about abusive relationships. We see the media talk about them all the time, and articles are always being shared on what they consist of or how to tell if you're in one.
But nobody has ever said what it is like to hide one.
Being in an abusive relationship is like wearing your favorite pair of heels.
They're beyond cute on the outside. People compliment you on how they look. They're always saying that your shoes are so stylish, asking where you got them, wanting to get a pair exactly like them, and complimenting your legs in them.
That's great and all because it makes you feel like there is something good going on with your shoes. That maybe all of the pain is worth it.
Society tends to take a picture that is found on Instagram and highlight its best features. We think about relationship goals and base that on a picture with 143 likes, but not the things that happen when the camera is off.
You put on your favorite pair of heels, get all dressed up, take pictures and go out. For a walk, to dinner, work, or the club--it's all the same. Because after about 3 hours of wearing them, your feet start to go numb. Sometimes, you can feel your heartbeat in your feet. They start to swell and they get harder and harder to stay in, but it is just as hard to take them off because you waited too long and they are too swollen. If you took off the shoes now, it would hurt to stand on flat ground because that is not what you're used to. But, when you finally take of the shoes and give yourself time, you feel great. The pain starts to go away and the swelling starts to go down.
Until he calls you again. He is your favorite pair heels. So you think that maybe, things will be different. You put the heels back on and find yourself falling into the trap once again. It's a cycle that won't be broken until you decide to get rid of the heels. Make it a point to set them on the outside of your life, no matter how much society thinks they looked good on you.
Abusive relationships are like your favorite pair of heels. They look great on the outside to everyone else, but make you feel pain on the inside.