Using present tags instead of stickers. | The Odyssey Online
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5 Cute Gift-Wrapping Ideas That Will Outshine All The Other Presents Under The Tree

Even Santa and his elves would be jealous!

5 Cute Gift-Wrapping Ideas That Will Outshine All The Other Presents Under The Tree

One of my favorite things to do around the holidays is to wrap presents! For years, I've usually been tasked with being my mother's tape holder or holding down the ribbon while she cleverly tied the bow. It wasn't until recently that I promoted myself to gift-wrapper and began wrapping my friend's and family's presents. Personally, I enjoy cute gift wrapping paper with a ribbon that compliments the colors featured on the wrapping paper.

Using actual ribbon to tie your presents.

Various ribbons

In the past, I've always used thin ribbon to wrap my presents. It allowed me to use multiple strands, was easy to tie, and it could curl! However, it wasn't until this year that I wanted to try something a little different. Instead of using thin ribbon, I decided to be a bit adventurous and bought a thicker ribbon. The bows for these are more straightforward and aren't great at curling, but personally, I think they look ten times more classy than thinner ribbon!

Using present tags instead of stickers.

Present tag

I really like the way a present tag looks versus a sticker. Despite the ease of a peel and stick of a sticker, present tags offer a cleaner look, giving it a great aesthetic!

Folding wrapping paper to give a layered look.

Folded, layered wrapping paper

Adrienne Kalehuawehe

I recently picked up the trick of folding wrapping paper to look like layers. In high school, one of my upperclassmen friends who also loved gift-wrapping had given me a present with the layered look. Ever since then, I've incorporated it into my own style of wrapping presents, which helps my presents look that much cuter!

Making a tier of presents with different but corresponding wrapping paper.

Tiered presents

I think that making a tier of presents when you have more than one present for one person is a great idea. It's an even better touch when you use various types of gift wrapping paper so it's more of a pattern!

Tying a decorative piece to the ribbon.

Decorative pine cone tied to a present

Finally, adding a nice decorative piece to your ribbon is always a fitting finishing touch! Sometimes when you feel like the presentation of a present lacks even with a ribbon and tag, you can always give your gift a bit of flair with a small decorative piece like a bell, pine cone, flower, and more!

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