Girls, we all know the struggle. The: "I was too lazy to wash my hair last night, now I'm awake way too late to wash my hair, and I have class in twenty minutes," feeling. It's not a fun feeling at all. Now will there be any chance at all for you to look somewhat decent in the next ten minutes? Yes. There is more than a good chance. In fact, these next five hairstyles are ones you can do in a couple of minutes at most, and be out the door for your first class. Ladies, have no fear, the bun is here.
1. The Messy Bun
Recommended for you
Throw that hair up, ladies. You can put your hair in a high pony, twist it around a bit, and then pin random strands in place in order to create a messy, yet cute and voluminous bun for your early morning struggle.
2. The Sock Bun
This one is probably my personal favorite. Whether you choose to do a braided side bun, a low bun, or a high bun, you can just put your hair in a ponytail, roll your hair around your "donut sponge (or sock)," pin your hair into place, and voila! You have a picture perfect bun to last you the whole day.
3. Rosie the Riveter Bun
This is another one of my personal favorites. Maybe you have a plain old t-shirt and leggings on today, and you're looking to add a little spice to your look. Well, you can just throw your hair up into a poofy bun, wrap your favorite bandana around your hair, and you will be looking like "Rosie the Riveter" all day.
4. The Upside-Down Braid Bun
This variation of a bun looks so pretty and so complicated, yet all you do is french braid or dutch braid, (whichever you prefer), starting from the bottom of your head braiding up to the crown of your head. Then the remainder of the hair that isn't braided gets tied into a messy bun. It can be messy, or a tight and sophisticated bun. Either way, you will be looking super adorable.
5. Half-Up Topknot Bun
This literally takes seconds to do. Part your hair into two sections, as you would when you were doing a regular half-up hairstyle, but this time, tie the top section into a messy topknot. This is a super cute and bohemian looking hairstyle that will make any look seem a little edgier.
See? There's nothing to worry about. You have plenty of bun hairstyles to choose from, and you will still be looking cute throughout the busy day you have planned for yourself. The way I see it, you can't go wrong with a bun.