Hello ALL! Welcome, or welcome back. This week I have been thinking about cute and fun things to do. These could be; dates, not dates, friend dates, fake dates, hangouts, chill sessions or whatever the "coral" kids say nowadays... if you know what I mean.
Here are a few of the best "dates" I have come by this week, that are different, fun, interesting, and all around perfect for almost any occasion. If you have someone you just have the urge to do something with here are some great ideas...
1. A Day at a Carnival or Amusement Park:
This is one of my dream first dates... and one of my all time favorite ideas. There is ALWAYS something to do, and you could even just walk around and people watch. In addition, admission tickets are often cheap and you can spend as much or as little as you chose to.
There is opportunity for many adorable photos, and laughs. In addition, if it is a date date, this would put science on your side. Studies have shown that taking your interest to an adrenaline-releasing event can increase affection... here is anther article on it for you:https://mic.com/articles/111382/when-it-comes-to-r...
Also, if you are in a committed relationship, there is plenty of opportunity for the perfect first kiss...
2. Theater, Opera, Or Symphony
This is such a fantastic idea, any type of show can open doors to a new world you can share together, you can find tickets online or early for cheap... or go to a high school or community production for almost free. If you want it to truly be a night to remember dress up, take photos, pick your escort up, bring flowers... do something special and original or cliche... whatever floats your boat.
3. Ice Skating or Rollerblading
Yes.. you might all fall, but it is fun, good exercise, cost effective, different and not to mention it is a wonderful way to build trust. Not to mention, it gives something distracting to do while having a stimulating conversation.
4. Walking, Stargazing, Nature Viewing
There are so many variations to this including; Apple picking, corn maize walking, going to the zoo... one of the greatest ones is bringing a sleeping bag and laying out, or filling the back of a truck with blankets and pillows to see the stars.
5. Plan a Movie Premier Night, Drive In Theater, or snuggle fest
You guys can go the whole nine yards and dress up, get the perfect candy and popcorn... or just dress up in comfy clothes and snuggle the whole movie... either one is perfect for whoever
Here is me and my date, friend date etc....
You and your loved one:
I picked this photo because not only are they cuddling but they are probably watching a scary movie... which is literally GOALS because I love scary movies.6. Play "Chopped", "Cupcake Wars", or "Next Great Baker"
It is always great creating something together, fun to learn something new, it gives you something fun to do AND is cheaper.
Who cares if one of you burns it... there will always be the option of takeout, but you still had something fun to do in the mean time.
7. Twenty Questions, Truth or Dare, or Spin the Bottle
Yes, all of these sound cliche but you will learn a lot, and it is easier that having a simple conversation because there is structure and you make a fun game about something that is most fun of all... learning about others. You can make these games very clean if you want.
8. Learn Something Artsy: Dance, Paint, Create...
There are so many ways to be creative... there are classes in almost anything such as; dancing, painting, various art forms, cooking, etc.
It is important to see if this is a friend, significant other, or person you could grow and learn with... what better way to do that then taking a class? None...
9. Go Somewhere; Go on a Road trip, be a tourist in your own town, explore...
Some times the best part of this is the ca ride itself, because you are spending time near them with barely any distractions, it is perfect for holding hands or just sitting near to each other. Life is an adventure so why not share one with someone you care about?
10. Nerf Gun, Airsoft, or Laser Tag war...
Having a little competition is always fun...
Here is an example
Those are a few of my favorite date or fake date ideas...I hope you give some a try, and enjoy!