As we mature in life, we will encounter many different people in life. Some will be in your life forever, others will come and go. However, one thing you will learn is that some people will always be stuck in that high school drama phase.
Come on people, we're all adults here. So why can't we let go of the past? All of that high school drama needs to be left in high school. It's time to move on. It's time to act like an adult.
If you get mad at someone at work, apologize and get over it. Don't hold a grudge against someone. You need to take responsibility for your own actions and realize that it's not all about you. Maybe in high
That's what I love about college. Literally, nobody cares. You could show up in your pajamas and people would completely understand. Everyone knows how stressful college is, so there's very little drama. We all have the same goal - make friends and get an education. So why can't we grow up and act like college students?
Once you graduate high school, you need to push all of that drama out of your life. Focus on yourself and what you want in life. We all have a low paying
Also, quit ruining other people's lives just to make yourself feel better. If you see someone having a good day, compliment them. DON'T try to bring them down. You wouldn't appreciate it if someone did that to you, so why do it to them? Do you find happiness in their misery? Do you hate seeing other people happy? Doing so is not going to get you more attention, so just quit the immature act and grow
Acting immature is not going to get you that big promotion or a spot on the homecoming court. Being dramatic is going to make you successful in life. People don't want to deal with people who are only going to bring them down. We all have too much going on in our lives to hold onto the grudges. Once you decide to let go of the past and start living for the future, I promise you will be much happier in life. So stop bringing others down and start lifting them up.
We're all adults here, so why can't we just cut the drama and grow up?